Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sinful Desires Photo Manipulation

In this Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to create awesome Sinful Desires photo manipulation scene. We will use plenty of photo manipulation techniques. This effect you can use to create party posters or create your own stylish photo. Mainly we will work with layer styles, filters and some other tools that often are used in photo manipulation. So, lets start tutorial.

Stocks Used:

Final Image Preview


Make a new composition 2500*1875 at 300dpi and fill the background with black color.
sinful desires


Create a new layer and Import the Old Paper background and resize it so it fits the entire canvas.
sinful desires


Desaturate (Image>Adjustment>Desaturate) the image and add a curves adjustment (Ctrl+m) to the specifications in the tutorial image to darken the image.
sinful desires
Add a layer mask to the image. With the Layer mask and Brush tool selected, mask some of the background image. (Select black color to mask pieces and white to reveal pieces).
sinful desires


Import Main girl image and crop using the Pen tool with 1.5px feathering. For CS5 users, use the Quick selection tool, switching between ‘Add selection’ and ‘Subtract selection’ options to create an outline.
sinful desires
Use the Refine edges option, enter the values shown in the tutorial image and use the brush to select the strands of hair. Place the image over the background and resize.
sinful desires


Import Gun image and crop by selecting the white areas using the Magic wand tool and delete them. However there are many ways to crop in photoshop, use the method which is most comfortable for you. Resize and place the image on a new layer and place the layer behind the woman layer.
sinful desires
Copy the layer twice. Resize (making the image smaller) and angle the image downward, do the same for the bottom layer until the desired effect in the tutorial image is achieved. Add a drop shadow (Layer>Layer Style> Drop shadow) to all the gun layers and merge (Ctrl+e).
sinful desires


Import second girl image and third girl image and crop using the same method in 4. step. Resize the images and place as shown in the tutorial image.
sinful desires


Open Graphic vector in Adobe Illustrator, copy some of the swirl vectors into the photoshop composition (do this simply by selecting the vector and copying and pasting into photoshop). Place the vectors around the gun and the women. In this step you can use your creative freedom to arrange the swirls in whatever layout you think is best. Just don’t saturate the image with too much swirls.
sinful desires


Merge all the swirls layer (Ctrl+e) and then create a Layer mask. In this step we will attempt to intertwine the vectors with the image. We are going to give the illusion that the swirls are coming in and out of the other images. To do this, make a selection of the main female by holding Ctrl and clicking on the layer. Mask the swirl in a way that it looks like it comes from behind her and extends to the front of her. Do the same for other images.
sinful desires
sinful desires
sinful desires


Select the Gun layer and create a Layer mask. Using a Brush with 100% hardness, mask the gun along the outline of the swirl.
sinful desires


Make a new text layer. Type the word Sinful using the Arial font in bold italic.
sinful desires
With the cursor between the letters, hold Alt and use the direction keys to move the letters or nudge the letters closer together. Position the text parallel to the gun and resize to suit. Enter the following layer styles using the given values.
Gradient colors:
  • 1. 1f1f1f
  • 2. 6d6c6c
  • 3. Bfbfbf
  • 4. 8a8a8a
  • 5. ffffff

sinful desires
sinful desires
sinful desires
sinful desires


Copy the Sinful text layer and place the copy layer below the original. Offset it slightly to the left and enter the following layer style values.
sinful desires
When you’re finished, group all the text layers. Copy the Sinful text, erase the word and type desire, resize and change the following values
sinful desires


Add the following layer styles to the Swirls layer.
Gradient colors:
  • 1. 07000a
  • 2. Ffffff

sinful desires
sinful desires


Make a new layer, using the Elliptical marquee tool, hold shift and make a perfect circle. Fill it with white.
sinful desires
Enter the following layer style values.
Gradient colors:
  • 1. 08040b
  • 2. afabb3
Create a new layer and merge the sphere with the new layer. Copy the sphere as many times as you like and place different sizes of the sphere around the image. Merge all the sphere layers when finished.
sinful desires
sinful desires
sinful desires


Open Moon image and place right above the background layer. Resize it and place it at the top left of the image.
sinful desires
Change the blending mode to Screen and change the opacity to 72%. Create a layer mask and with a brush with 0% hardness, mask away the hard edges of the moon.
sinful desires


Create a new layer on the top of all the others. Apply the image to the new layer (Image>Apply Image) and copy the layer with the applied image. With the top applied image layer turned off, use a glowing edges filter (Filter>Stylize>Glowing Edges) with the following settings.
sinful desires
Change the blending mode of the layer to Screen and lower the opacity to 27%. Turn on the top layer and use a High Pass filter (Filter>Other>High Pass) with the following settings.
sinful desires
Change the blending mode to Hard Light and lower the opacity to 41%.This creates sharp dynamic lighting for the image.
sinful desires


Create a two new layer, one on top of all the others and one on top the moon layer. Using a cloud brush add clouds to the background and foreground to add atmosphere to the image.
sinful desires


Create a new layer. With the Polygonal lasso tool, create a selection similar to the one in the picture below, making sure to have a long straight edge on one side.
sinful desires
Using a large brush with a white color and 0% hardness, brush along the edges of the straight line. Deselect the selection (Ctrl+d). Erase the edges to create a nice sleek light streak.
sinful desires
Copy the image and displace it at an angle of your choosing. Use your creative vision to come up with a layout you like making sure to put streaks in both the background and foreground.
sinful desires


Create a new layer and using the same technique in 13.step , make a circle. Create a new layer on top of that and apply the image (as in 15.step).
sinful desires
Right click on the layer and select ‘Create clipping mask’. Using the Transform tool, offset the image by moving it in any direction. This gives you a sharp dimensional effect. You can try this technique using different shapes. Copy the two layers as many times as you like and place them around the image in different sizes.
sinful desires


Import Dynamic lights image into the composition and resize it as shown. Change the blending mode to Screen. Change the hue (Image>Adjustment>Hue/Saturation) until the lights are as purple as in the streaks in the tutorial image.
sinful desires
Create a new layer mask and mask out the edges and portions of the streaks.
sinful desires


Create a gradient map Adjustment layer (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Gradient Map). The colors should be the default black and a mid purple color. Change the blending mode to Overlay and lower the opacity to 42%, if the colors give a hard mix then reverse the gradient.
sinful desires
sinful desires


Right, this is your turn to make the piece your own. You can add more atmosphere elements like the birds in the back or the glowing shatters. Use your creativity. And now you’re Done!!!

Final Result: Sinful Desires Scene

sinful desires

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