Final Result
- City Background:
- Police Car:
- Batman:
- Mist/Fog Brushes:
- Debris Brushes:
- Batman Logo Brushes:
- Broken Glass Brushes:
- Rain Brushes:
- Lens Flares Brushes:
Step 1
On this first step we’ll blur a little the background to create the bokeh effect.First open the city background,crop it,then go to Image>Image Rotation>Flip Canvas Horizontal.After this let’s bring the blur Filter>Blur>Gausian Blur and set the Radius to 5%.
Step 2
Now let’s add the police car. After that play with the mist brushes around the car. Then use the debris brushes for the explosion effect.
Step 3
Let’s bring our main character in the picture.So here is our batman. The stock is .png so not to much work for cut.After,we create the rain effect with our brushes.
Step 4
It’s time to change some tones.I chose this blueish tone for this,using the setings from the image.Also you can use the broken glass brushes for the police car.
Step 5
In this step we’ll create a vignette effect using the Lens Correction filter.So here is the amount i used for this one.
Step 6
Here we add the title of the poster and the logo of batman.The font i used was Franklin Gothic Medium.I added also a lens flare between the logo and the title.
Step 7
In this final step we use the burn&dodge techinique from the Manipulatin Secrets section and add some sharpness to our work.Have fun.